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Living the Well Dressed Life

An interview with local stylist, Libby Britt, owner and personal stylist of Well Dressed Life.

LL: Tell us a little about Well Dressed Life.

LB: I started Well Dressed Life as a way to help women navigate the fast-paced fashion world that is often overwhelming. We live in a consumer-driven society, and while this is convenient, the rise of digital marketing and online retail has made our closets even more chaotic! My goal as a wardrobe stylist is to help women discover and embrace their unique personal style, streamline their overwhelming closets, and understand what works for them so they can stop the constant “more” mentality and begin to build a wardrobe that they love and works long-term.

LL: How do you think a good wardrobe affects women?

LB: During my time as a stylist at Carriage House (in Decatur), I saw firsthand how women light up when they put on an amazing outfit that feels authentic to them. We put on clothes every single day, and when we feel good about what we wear it makes a noticeable difference in our confidence and how we show up day-to-day. For me, this has nothing to do with trends or high-end fashion; it has everything to do with being authentic to who you are and having your wardrobe reflect that. When you find that sweet spot, it shows. THAT is true personal style!

LL:What are some quick tips to update your wardrobe?

LB: Invest in good basics that fi t you well. I teach my clients the 80/20 rule when it comes to wardrobes. I believe 80% of your clothes should be versatile, quality basics that last well beyond one season. This is the foundation. But keeping things fresh and exciting is important, so aim to have about 20% of your wardrobe be those seasonal trends, fun finds and unique pieces that keep things fresh.

LL:What are your thoughts on approaching/trying new trends?

LB: Trends are fun and can keep things exciting, but you don't need trends to be stylish! Embrace a few that you love, and forget the ones you don't. And don't spend too much on trendy items; they go out as quick as they come in. Make your investment in quality basics that stand the test of time.

LL:: Are there a few staple pieces every closet should have?

LB: Absolutely! Good denim, outerwear (blazers, jackets, etc.), a go-to dress, good trouser, a button up or blouse that you love, and a great handbag.

LL: Tips on where you can find quality items on a budget?

LB: Start discovering brands that you love and then look for them secondhand, or get on their email list and get notified when they have seasonal sales and markdowns to snag good deals. I'm also a fan of Rue La La, which is a sale site that will notify you when your favorite brands are on sale.

LL: What styles can you recommend that are classic—meaning they will stand the test of time and still be wearable for years to come.

LB: A great trouser, v-neck tees, camisoles for layering, bootcut or straight denim, blazers, a wrap dress, button up blouses and shirts are a few of my favorites.

LL: Any closet organizing tips?

LB: If it's out of sight, it's usually out of mind. Try to make everything visible so you don't forget you have it. And use velvet hangers! It saves space, protects your clothes and keeps things from sliding off the hanger.

LL:If you go by the “less is more” idea for your wardrobe, can you off er some guidelines for how to determine what you should keep/toss/donate?

LB: Ask yourself these questions: Do I love it? Do I need it? Does it fi t? And if you answer yes to any of these, then ask yourself, if you keep it, where/when will you wear it? Ultimately, you should only keep the items that you look forward to wearing and make you excited.

LL: How can new clients contact you and learn more about what you do?

LB: You can visit www.welldressedlifestyle. com to learn a little more about the services I offer. You can also email me at or find me on Instagram and TikTok @welldressedlife.